Friday, May 13, 2011

Original editorial or commentary #2

Immigration issues are getting worse and worse in this country. Not only are our borders unsecure but also the immigrants we have in the country already are being exploited because of their lack of a legal status in this country. Employers take advantage of these illegal immigrants and make them work long and hard for very little pay. The only reason employers are able to do this is because the illegal immigrants are not able to get respectable jobs in other places so some employers hire them and exploit their short comings.

In her article titled “Immigration—the next big push?” Bonnie Kapp writes about President Obama’s comprehensive immigration reform.  She writes about how Obama has been promising a immigration reform, but has not been able to fulfill the promise he made to the country.  Bonnie Kapp writes “Then candidate Obama frequently promised comprehensive immigration reform, even pledging to La Raza, the Hispanic civil rights advocacy group.” She goes on to write about a few times that Obama promised immigration reform and didn’t deliver. Obama has been concentrating on the health care reform law up until now.  She writes about how she believes that Obama might put his full attention on immigration reform now.

Immigration is one of the most important issues in the United States of America, but politicians don’t treat it as such. Obama has been promising Immigration reform ever since he was a candidate for the Presidency.  Immigration reform is very important because our borders are not as secure as they should be. There are way to many ways to get into the United States.  The borders to our country need to be secured! Another reason reform is necessary is because the immigrants that we have in this country right now are getting treated like crap by employers because the employers know that the immigrants are desperate for work and cannot do anything to stop them. We need an immigration reform to crack down on those abuse employers. We have over 12 million immigrants living in our country; we need an immigration reform to push them to try to become legal citizens of the United States of America. Although Obama has promised an immigration reform many times, he hasn’t delivered yet. He needs to put immigration in a higher place because it is very important. Now that his health care reform law has passed he might finally put his full concentration on immigration where it should have been about two and half years ago on November 4th, 2008 when he was elected.