Thursday, February 10, 2011

Charges Against Muslim Students

   The was an article in The New York Times about 11 muslim student who were arrested for speaking out against an important speaker. Last year at The University of California, Irvine, the Israeli ambassador Michael B. Oren came to the University to give a speech, some Muslim students didn't agree with his speech or with his ways so they decided to interrupt the speech as a way to protest. By the end of the ambassador's speech 11 muslim students were arrested and were later suspended from the University for a quarter. But last week Tony Rackauckas the District Attorney  of Orange County filled misdemeanor criminal charges against the 11 students that were protesting the Israeli ambassador. You should go and check the article out to get more details, but I found it pretty interesting that the District Attorney waited so long to file charges against the 11 students for "disturbing a public meeting and engaging in a conspiracy to do so." Although the students did disturb a very important event it was to protest the speaker. I am not sure where I stand on the whole criminal segment but I don't think they did something that is worthy of prison time.

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