Friday, March 11, 2011

Let police pursue criminals, not immigrants

            In the article titled Let police pursue criminals, not immigrants” the author speaks on the issue of immigration laws in California.  California is now participating in “Secure Communities, a controversial program created to track and deport dangerous criminals.” The author doesn’t support Secure Communities. The author believes that the police should be pursuing real criminals, instead of finding illegal immigrants and trying to figure out if they are criminals. The title shows that the author clearly doesn’t support the program. The author has good evidence to support his claims in the article. He says, “About 60% of the 87,534 immigrants deported under the program had minor or no criminal convictions, according to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security's statistics”, he has statistics from homeland security to support his arguments. He also has a quote from Former Chief William J. Bratton to support him; the quote is “Criminals are the ‘biggest benefactors when immigrants fear police.’” Some of his arguments do require more evidence, toward the end of his article, the article gets a little too opinionated and the statistics aren’t as strong as they were in the beginning and middle of the article. The author’s logic is sound because of the statistics that he has provided to support his article. There are very few opinionated articles that are sound without good evidence to support the author’s argument. The conclusion, although strongly opinionated, is still valid. It is valid because of the rest of the article and all of the statistics that were provided to support the author’s argument.  

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