Saturday, April 30, 2011

Comment on a colleague's work #2

     In her blog, the author Morgan Noack writes about an article titled, “Arizona Sues Federal Government for Failing to Enforce Immigration.” When you click on the hyperlink that takes you to the article, there are two authors present. Morgan Noack did not acknowledge the authors in her blog. It is important to tell the reader who the author, so the reader knows who is writing the article and if they please, go do some research in the author of the article. She begins her article by giving a brief summary of the article. The summary is a little too brief and doesn’t really provide much detail. If the summary were made a little longer and had more information, the reader of the blog would be more informed about what Morgan Noack is writing about. Although her summary is brief, it is also very point on, she tells you what the article is about and how the Governor in the article feels about the situation. She writes “Brewer desperately wants the borders protected once and for all. Brewer also makes an approach to blame the Obama administration for this problem.” After that she goes on to tell the reader of her blog why they should go read the article she is writing about, she says, “I believe that this article is worth reading so that Americans that don’t live in a border state can idealize what those people are dealing with.” In the article that she is writing about the main issue at hand in immigration, it would have been a better overall post if she decided to tell her readers about how she felt on the issue. Although assumptions can be made on the style of her writing, no obvious statement is made by Morgan Noack.
     Mogan Noack’s post was short and to the point. She should elaborate more in the summary and in the details. She should also give her own view on the subject at hand because after all it is her own blog. Overall the post was good but with some improvements and the addition of her own opinions can make it great. You can read her post at:

Friday, April 15, 2011

Comment on a colleague's work #1

In his blog the author, Tony Kukowski, writes about an article that is titled “Six-Figure Bus Driver and Other Working-Class Heroes”. He starts his blog by giving a quote on how the article is started so the reader can understand what the article he is referring to, is about. He then goes on to give a description of the author of the original article that he is writing about. This is good because the author of the article, Ann Coulture is very conservative and the reader of Tony Kukowski’s blog needs to know that. He then goes on to write about the article itself, he gives a few details and then he gives a short and to-the-point statement on how Ann Coulture feels about the subject at hand. Tony Kukowski says, “After reading her article, you can clearly understand her stance on the issue. She does not support what the public sector employees, and the unions that they are associated with, are trying to accomplish in Wisconsin.” He did a good job by doing this because the reader can now continue on reading the blog instead of going to read Ann Coulture’s article, which now they can read after they are finished reading Tony’s blog. Tony Kukowski also provides quotes from the article that give the reader evidence on the way Clouture feels. He then goes on to write about how he feels on the matter.
Overall Tony did a good job. He did a great job making the reader familiar with the article and the author. He also did a great job showing the authors stand point on the issue. The only part that could use some work is the part where he voices his own opinion, this part is to short and it does not provide any evidence to support his argument. It doesn’t really convince me of get me thinking to go against Ann Coulture’s argument. If he made his own opinion longer, clearer, and provided evidence to support his argument this would be a great blog. You can read Tony's Blog at:

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rights, Rights, Rights, and more Rights.

In the United States of America we are spoiled with the amount of rights that we have.  The rights given to U.S. citizens give them so much freedom. We have the freedom of religion, the freedom of speech, the freedom of press, and many others. The freedoms and rights that we have are not only for certain races, genders, or religions. The freedoms we have are for each and every citizen of the United States.
            The freedom of speech and press is a huge right that we take for granted here in the United States. We can say and write what we want about almost anything and anyone. We can write what we want about the government and even say what we want about the president. When we say and write these things we know that we are protected.  In other countries you can be brutally murdered for saying or writing something that is against the government or the leader. This right that we have is very important and since we have it and it’s apart of our everyday lives we take it for granted. We don’t understand how important it is that we can say and write about what is on our minds and how we feel about certain things going on in this country.
            Another right that we have is the freedom to choose the religion we want to be apart. You can be Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, or any other religion you want to be. In other countries there is a universal religion that you are ordered to follow. I am a Muslim so I know about many of the other “Muslim countries”, (yes the country is named off of a religion, I’m glad the United States aren’t like that) in which you are ordered to be a Muslim and if you are caught practicing another religion you are murdered. Although some people in the United States might give you a hard time for being a certain religion, the country and government itself will never do that same.
            This post makes it seem like I believe that we have to many rights here in the United States of America, but I assure you that is not the case. I believe that the rights we have are necessary for all men and women to have and other countries around the world should also have these rights. I sure am glad I live in the United States.