Friday, April 15, 2011

Comment on a colleague's work #1

In his blog the author, Tony Kukowski, writes about an article that is titled “Six-Figure Bus Driver and Other Working-Class Heroes”. He starts his blog by giving a quote on how the article is started so the reader can understand what the article he is referring to, is about. He then goes on to give a description of the author of the original article that he is writing about. This is good because the author of the article, Ann Coulture is very conservative and the reader of Tony Kukowski’s blog needs to know that. He then goes on to write about the article itself, he gives a few details and then he gives a short and to-the-point statement on how Ann Coulture feels about the subject at hand. Tony Kukowski says, “After reading her article, you can clearly understand her stance on the issue. She does not support what the public sector employees, and the unions that they are associated with, are trying to accomplish in Wisconsin.” He did a good job by doing this because the reader can now continue on reading the blog instead of going to read Ann Coulture’s article, which now they can read after they are finished reading Tony’s blog. Tony Kukowski also provides quotes from the article that give the reader evidence on the way Clouture feels. He then goes on to write about how he feels on the matter.
Overall Tony did a good job. He did a great job making the reader familiar with the article and the author. He also did a great job showing the authors stand point on the issue. The only part that could use some work is the part where he voices his own opinion, this part is to short and it does not provide any evidence to support his argument. It doesn’t really convince me of get me thinking to go against Ann Coulture’s argument. If he made his own opinion longer, clearer, and provided evidence to support his argument this would be a great blog. You can read Tony's Blog at:

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